Move your product between states.

Ground Transport tends to provide safe and affordable transportation while shipping your product consistently. Customers can also use ground logistics for short and long distance freight and customize services to their specific needs.

Rack with items


World Class Companies

Essential Logistics has and continues to work with world-class located here in the United States. They use our services because we are known to hold ourselves to the highest standards. We strive to become the benchmarks for others to follow.

ContainerTruck Driver

where we serve

Continental U.S.

Essential Logistics primarily transports freight in the Central and Eastern Region. But, we are always looking for new, exciting opportunities.

If you are interested in our services or you want to learn more about us, please Contact Us.

Commited to quality

Safety Culture

Essential Logistics has developed a sound safety culture. We use data to measure and hold drivers accountable for safety. Data is a critical part of our safety culture, we use this data to improve the fleet as a whole.

Essential Logistics we are always learning and use state-of-the-art technology on our fleet to help mitigate risk. Lastly, there's an open environment to discuss safety concerns.

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Always Adapting

Technology is evolving at an astonishing rate so it is important to be able to adapt to the ever changing landscape.

We are always seeking new ways to improve, we utilize new technology to enhance our services. Every truck in our fleet has advanced technology built in to help keep both our drivers and pedestrians safe.

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Get a Quote

We'd love the opportunity to show you why Essential Logistics has built an unparalleled reputation for speed and reliability. You can count on us to get your shipments to its destination as quickly, safely and reliably as possible.

Contact Us

Based in Oklahoma, USA



